WOBBLE2 stands for Weightless Observation of Behaviour with Berlin Liquid guided Experiment. We are planing to test new propellant management devices (PMD) for satellite tanks. We want to use additive manufacturing techniques as well as develop new PMD designs that are only possible with the new manufacturing technology. During the microgravity phase in the REXUS-Rocket the Fluid will be observed with a camera. The liquid is pumped to simulate different fill levels and dynamic movements.
CAD model in may 2024
Experiment in the module
19.01.2025: We sucessfully finished the BENCH Test at DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen. Now our experiment is in the Container traveling to Kiruna.
We want to thank our sponsors APWORKS and SENSIRION for their support.
The Team
A motivated team has been formed for the 15th cycle of REXUS/BEXUS (ESA-website) competition. The application was submitted on October 9th and we got selected at the 13.12. We are 11 enthusiastic students covering all areas from electrical design to flow simulation. If you want to contact us to join the team or you have any other request, contact us with wooble2@bears-space.de. This time, an experiment on new 3D printed tanks is to be carried out.
The Propellant Managment Devices
In the experiment we will test 6 different PMDs in small tanks. For the fluid we will use normal water combined with Uranin. The Propellant Managment Devices are produced by APWORKS out ot titanium and special aluminium. In the slide show below you can see the metal PMDs and also first 3D-printed prototypes filled with Uranin to test the observation capabilities of our camera.About the REXUS competition
The REXUS/BEXUS programme is realised under a bilateral Agency Agreement between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA). The Swedish share of the payload has been made available to students from other European countries through a collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA). EuroLaunch, a cooperation between the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) and the Mobile Rocket Base (MORABA) of DLR, is responsible for the campaign management and operations of the launch vehicles. Experts from DLR, SSC, ZARM and ESA provide technical support to the student teams throughout the project. REXUS and BEXUS are launched from SSC, Esrange Space Center in northern Sweden. The REXUS rocket enables teams from different universities to conduct innovative experiments in weightlessness and under extreme atmospheric conditions.
The participating teams have the challenge of integrating their scientific investigations into a compact experimental module that is placed on board a REXUS rocket. These rockets will be launched from the Esrange Space Center in Sweden. The competition is aimed at students of engineering, physics, astronomy and related disciplines.
Projects are selected through a rigorous selection process that evaluates creativity, technical feasibility and scientific relevance. The selected teams are given the opportunity to test their experiments as part of a real space mission.
The REXUS/BEXUS competition not only promotes interdisciplinary collaboration between students, but also provides a practical insight into space research. The knowledge gained not only contributes to scientific progress, but also enriches the personal and professional development of the participating students.
BENCH Test in Oberpfaffenhofen
For the bench test we were once again at the DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen. This time, 3 team members performed the final test of the Experiemnt. A communication and function test was carried out on site. Finally, the countdown was tested both cold and hot. We passed all tests and now WOBBLE2 is on its way to Sweden.
CDR in Oberpfaffenhofen
For our critical design we were in Oberpfaffenhofen and presented our finished concept to a jury. The exchange with experts from Zam, ESA and SSC was once again very helpful. We were also very happy to see the other teams again. We enjoyed the exciting exchange and feedback, but there was also time to look at the facilities at DLR and to spend nice hours at Bavarian lakes.
Trainingweek in Esrange
To evaluate the preliminary design, theBexus and RExus teams from all countries met in Esrange in the north of Sweden. There, each team presented its ideas to a jury consisting of representatives from ESA, DLR, SNSA, ZARM from Bremen and MORABA. We received very good feedback but also some suggestions for improvement. In addition to the review, there was an intensive lecture program on all relevant topics of the campaign. It was exciting to get so much condensed knowledge from experts and to ask all your questions. At the same time, the program also promoted team building. All in all, it was a very special time and we are very much looking forward to coming back to Esrange in 13 months. Special thanks again to the friends of the TU Berlin. Thanks to their financial support we were able to travel to Sweden as a group of six instead of four.
We are always happy about new interested students who want to join the team. You can contact us at wobble2@bears-space.de and find regular updates on the Instagram channel @bears.space. The best way to reach us is to come to the weekly Bears meeting every Tuesday at 6pm in F11.
Old News
20.12.24: We finished the shaker test sucessfully and the Integration week at ZARM, Bremen. We have some homework to do, but nothing we can not solve.
16.09.24: We finished successfullyour Integration Progress Review at out University.
03.06.24: The tickets are booked and we travel to Oberpfaffenhofen to the CDR. From 10.-13.06. we will meet the other REXUS teams and present our experiment concept.
14.02.24: We had an incredibly great time during the training week in Sweden. We got a lot of input and good feedback. Now it’s time to order the first components and test them diligently. The next milestone is the critical design review on June 10 in Oberpfaffenhofen.
04.02.24: We have received our first press statement from the TU Berlin. You can read it here.
24.01.24: The team will fly to Kiruna at 4.-11.02 with 6 members. We would like to thank our friends at TU Berlin for making it possible for us to take two more team members with us to Kiruna.
15.01.24: We are currently looking for motivated students to support us in our outreach program. If you are intrested in managing our Instagram and organize exhibition stands, please contact us on Instagram via bears.space.